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American City Just Banned Pride Flag – Democrats Reeling From This Vote!

Here’s your daily dose of irony. Democrats all across the country pride themselves in how “inclusive” they are. Decades ago, they bent over backward to welcome Muslims into the country, even as President Bush went to war with Islamic terrorists.

We have seen Democrats talk much about supporting Muslims these days, huh? Supporting transgenders and gays seems to be all the rage with the left. Biden even hung their flag from the White House to support this movement. But in one city, with a majority Muslim population, they are striking back against the left’s agenda. Democrats will have a very hard time dealing with this.

The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted unanimously on Tuesday to approve a resolution that would ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag from being flown on the city’s public property.

The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit…

An immigrant from Yemen spoke in favor of the resolution, stating that while the city “respect[s] all nations, cultures, and their flags…we only salute the American flag.” [Source: Breitbart]

Wow. A Muslim city in Michigan put liberals to shame by voting to ban the gay pride flag from flying on government property. The resolution will only allow the American flag to be flown, something the entire council supported.

This flies in the very face of Joe Biden himself, who pushed Old Glory aside last week to fly the latest version of the LGBTQ+++ flag above the White House. Biden even went as far as to claim that our children belong to the government–suggesting the federal government has more rights to teach our children transgender ideology, than we have to teach them what’s right.

What are Democrats going to say about Muslims voting to ban the gay pride flag? Democrats had spent years championing the rights of Muslims. During Trump’s administration, they even celebrated the hijab, a head-covering Muslim countries demand women wear (not very feminist of them).

Something tells me, though, Democrats won’t be very fond of this resolution. But will they criticize these Muslims? Had a conservative, Christian town voted this way, saying the very same things, Democrats would have melted down.

Keep in mind, Democrats are siding with groups that are trying to groom children in public schools. They have slammed Republican states who ban transgender procedures on minors. The White House sided with transgenders after one killed teachers and children in a Christian school. They are all-in on promoting a radical group that appears to be hostile to traditional Americans.

But this time around, they are going to have a hard time attacking this city. They spent years encouraging Muslims to come to America and enjoy our liberties. Are they going to backtrack on all that?

Author: Jackson Stone

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