We know that, with the midterms just weeks away, that the liberal media will do its best to help Democrats. That means, all the negative coverage of Joe Biden’s presidency will soften as the media tries to convince voters this guy is doing great.
So, we shouldn’t be surprised to see a minor uptick in Joe’s approval, right before the midterms. This doesn’t mean Americans who hated this guy for two years now suddenly loves him. It means the pollsters are manipulating the numbers to give Biden what boost they can.
But even still, Biden continues to suffer. And the most recent Civiqs poll is hardly an improvement.
Just 39 percent of registered voters approve of President Joe Biden 36 days away from the midterm election, a Civiqs poll found Monday.
A majority (52 percent) of respondents disapproved of Biden, a high number for the leader of the Democrat Party desperate to hold the House and Senate come November. A presidential approval rating is a bellwether for how the president’s party performs in the midterms…
According to CNN’s senior data reporter, Harry Enten, Biden’s approval rating has been impacted by a drop in support among black voters. Since Biden assumed office, he has lost support among black voters by 23 points (64-87 percent). Black voters are a large portion of the Democrat vote. [Source: Breitbart]
Even with the liberal media propping up this pathetic puppet, Biden is still underwater with most voters. Thirty-nine percent is better than what we’ve seen over most of 2022 (still artificially higher than it should be), but over half of the country still disapproves of Biden’s failed administration.
When fifty-two percent of voters hate you–there’s no way you’re talking yourself out of this jam. Biden can blame “MAGA Republicans” all he wants, they weren’t the ones who opened the border, gave Afghanistan to terrorists, triggered runaway inflation, and allowed gas prices to skyrocket. Biden and his corrupt, socialist policies are to blame.
Biden has actually managed to do the impossible, lower black voter support for Democrats. He’s lost 23% of the black vote-that is not supposed to happen.
But Biden is such a bad “president” that a tried-and-true bloc like black voters is ditching him.
For the party at large, it’s just as bad. Since 2020, black support for Democrats has dropped by ten points. Those are devastating numbers, when you consider black people are pretty much blackmailed into voting for the left. Even when Democrats do nothing to help the lives of black Americans, many black voters are guilted into supporting the party.
But for this many to reject Biden and the Democrats means the party has really lost the plot. Biden’s entire agenda has been to do the opposite of Donald Trump–even when that made no sense. And even as his plans failed again and again, he never changed strategies.
That reveals an administration with no clue what to do. And a man with zero leadership ability.
How will this ultimately affect the midterms? We can’t predict the future, but we know it won’t be good.
Author: Max Davis
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