I’ve been saying for some time that unlike Donald Trump and Barack Obama, Biden has no lower floor when it comes to approval. Blame this on whatever you want, but I’m feeling pretty certain that this is the case now.
ABC News, in connection with The Washington Post, has put out a new survey, with the current White House leader falling to a record low of around 37 percent approval. And it gets worse after you dig into the numbers, so keep reading.
Just 30 percent approval for independents is actually a number I never thought I would see. Even though I was certain Biden’s leadership would be a failure (I mean, check out the guy’s history), I knew his so-called “return to normalcy” schtick would help to keep him in the 40s for independents through his first term in office. But, the first year of his presidency has been everything but normal, with Russia’s attack on Ukraine being another mark against people who insisted decorum should be the top qualification during the election. Elections do actually have consequences.
But when you go further into the numbers, it gets even worse for the Dems. Republicans have massive seven-point advantage in the overall ballot, but when the poll is weighted for people who are more likely to vote this Nov, that stretches to a huge 13 points. That is so horrific for the Den Party that I’m not even sure what that would be like. Really, it is hard to game out.
Remember that GOP members have won big elections while having only a two- or three-point lead on the overall ballot. What will a 13-point lead mean if that’s anywhere close to the real number of election day? A 60+ seat, when the gap is just nine seats? Winning 54 Senate seats? Sweeping GOP members into power at a level not seen in many generations?
Author: Steven Sinclaire