One of the most common tactics Democrats use against Republicans is accusing them of spreading “hate” and “violence.” Just because Republicans don’t bow to the left’s every whim, they accuse conservatives of being bigots, who “incite” others to action.
Oh, they love doing this. Even Joe Biden openly lied to Americans by saying Republicans are “threats to democracy.” They somehow ignore how Democrats’ own constant hate-smearing has led to deadly consequences for Republican Americans.
Recently, a California state senator accused Charlie Kirk–a conservative figure popular among college students–of being responsible for a hateful message sent to him by a supposed bigot. The Democrat posted the message to Twitter and was quickly blasted for his hoax.
California State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) blamed conservative pundit and youth leader Charlie Kirk for a hateful voice mail he says was left for him after Kirk tweeted that Wiener was letting pedophiles out of jail…
Kirk tweeted, without citing evidence, that “thousands” of pedophiles were being released in California after a few months in jail due to Weiner’s legislation, and blamed Weiner for the lenient treatment of “predators.”
Wiener responded by calling Kirk an “attention-seeking liar.” On Wednesday, he also posted a screenshot of a “homophobic” message he said he received, though critics pointed out that it had a cursor mark and other signs that the note had been created by the alleged recipient. In a later reply to his own tweet, Wiener did not deny having created the document but said that it was a transcription of a voice mail that he had received. [Source: Breitbart]
Oh, interesting! Wiener claimed that someone left a threatening message after Charlie Kirk called him out for a bill that let pedophiles out of jail. Yet the screenshot of the message included the keyboard cursor, proving the Wiener typed this out himself.
The state senator quickly scrambled, claiming he had “transcribed” the message from a voicemail. But the cat was out of the bag. There is no way we should believe Wiener’s claim when he could have easily written this himself and pretended someone sent it to him.
This is how desperate the left is getting. Charlie Kirk had every right to criticize Wiener’s radical, leftist legislation. The First Amendment gives every America that right. But Wiener and many other Democrats think they can shut down discourse over their failed policies, by making these bogus claims.
Kirk didn’t threaten him. Nor did he incite violence or advocate for any such thing. Yet Wiener thinks he can produce this post and blame it on the man. Democrats can spew the vilest attacks against their rivals and get away with it. But when Republicans simply criticize them, it’s “violence.”
Wiener called Kirk a “grifter” and said he was spreading “homophobic lies” about him. That could have easily put Kirk in harm’s way. He said the conservative was “riling people” up against him and other gay people. That could have led an unwell person to seek out Kirk and hurt him.
The very thing Wiener is accusing Kirk of. Yet he has no problem putting Republicans in danger, to push his radical agenda.
What do we call that? Oh, yeah, hypocrisy.
Author: Bo Dogan
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