For well over a year, polls have suggested Republicans will retake Congress in this year’s midterms. But Democrats have tried to pivot the narrative, making the end of Roe v Wade and other attacks against Republicans to color the midterms. As gas prices eased over the summer, it looked like Democrats were poised to salvage their elections chances.
But all good things must come to an end. Democrats really didn’t change their ways or actually do anything to help the economy. They continued to let Biden be Biden, as he stumbled around like a nursing home patient. They even joined in as the old man called Republicans (more than half of America) “semi-fascist.”
Now, the tables are turning and Democrats are in big trouble.
With just three weeks to go before the midterm election, the Republican Party has gained an edge over Democrats in the fight to take back Congress, according to the latest “generic” poll results pitting the parties against each other in head-to-head matchups…
In a New York Times/Siena College poll released on Monday, “49% of likely voters said they planned to vote for a Republican to represent them in Congress on Nov. 8, compared with 45% who planned to vote for a Democrat.”
Voters citing economic concerns as their top issue in the poll rose from 36% in July to 44% now — another sign the tide is turning among the electorate in favor of the GOP. The factors driving that shift include inflation remaining hot and the steep stock market decline. [Source: Just the News]
That kind of 49-45 split might not seem like much. But you have to keep in mind the fact that Democrats always lead in these kinds of polls, even when Republicans end up winning elections. So, for Democrats to be behind by four points is a big red alert for the left. Especially when you factor in that just one month ago, they were leading by one point.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone paying attention. Democrats were in charge of Congress and the White House these last two years. And at the same time, the economy collapsed. Inflation has hit a 40-year-high as the stock market and housing market tanked.
Biden ignored the border crisis as 5 million illegal aliens flooded the country. And his failures overseas have led to war and death.des
Democrats have not once challenged Biden nor blocked his terrible agenda. They have cheered him on, as he’s betrayed America again and again.
Why wouldn’t Americans blame Democrats for the mess they are in? And all the insults in the world won’t change the fact that Democrats are ruining our culture, economy, and way of life.
We can’t predict the midterm outcome, but we can be sure that it won’t be great for Democrats.
Author: Max Davis
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