Almost as if on cue, gas prices are rising. Biden claimed he had “fixed” this issue. But all he’s managed to do is provide temporary relief, just long enough to bamboozle Americans into thinking he’s doing something. In reality, the gas price crisis was created by Joe himself. He shut down American oil production, leading to these rising prices.
Worse still, his “fixes” involved depleting our nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves. That oil is supposed to be protected, so we have it in times of war. But Biden has released millions of barrels of this oil, claiming it will help lower gas prices. What really happened? Most of that oil was sold to foreign nations, including one of our top competitors. That was so shocking, that over 100 Democrats joined with Republicans to stop this Biden scheme.
The White House is downplaying a bill banning oil sales from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China that passed in the House with the support of 113 Democrats…
The legislation, titled the Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve from China Act, passed 331-97 in the GOP-led House but hasn’t passed in the Democratic-led Senate yet…
“The bill prohibits the Department of Energy (DOE) from selling petroleum products (e.g., crude oil) from the SPR to any entity that is under the ownership, control, or influence of the Chinese Communist Party,” according to a summary of the legislation. [Source: Just the News]
Yep, you read that right. Biden’s decision to sell our oil to communist China–during a gas price crisis–was so alarming, that most House Democrats voted with Republicans to stop him. The bill passed with a veto-proof majority, meaning that if the Senate votes in like manner, Biden can’t overturn it.
This is how bad Biden is doing. Even his own party is voting to stop him from selling out America to the Red Menace. We’ve seen, for years, how Biden bends over backward for the Chinese Communist Party. He seems to care more about them than America!
Why else would he shut down American oil production, then proceed to sell off what oil we do have to China? Since he was vice president, Biden has been making deals with this evil regime. He is selling out our country, to make himself and his family filthy rich.
Not much of a president, would you say?
It’s unclear yet if the Senate will vote to pass this bill as well. But pressure to lower gas prices is very strong. Many lawmakers know they can’t keep ignoring this problem and keep their jobs. More than a few senators could be motivated to pass this bill and shut down Biden’s scheme.
Now, all they have to do is restart the Keystone XL pipeline and get America drilling again!
Author: Bo Dogan