Police were in abundance, and as I wrote in my last article, they were unashamedly aggressive about trampling on the 1st Amendment without having the benefit of the well-known COVID Exception.
The source of some of the dread became apparent. Antifa has reportedly been there, and members of their mob were detained in several reports.
The arrival of the Patriot Front’s khaki-clad, bemasked defenders was certainly more intriguing.
We’ve previously run into this mob before. They appear at gatherings where violence is possible and aim to be a cause for events, but they don’t actually do anything. Take note of the police’s protection in this video, for example.
They attempted to disrupt the annual March for Life and they were told to back off.
The interesting fact about this group is that they always move in very close coordination with police officers, that they loaded people into U-Haul trucks in full view of the police (you can’t transport passengers in the back of vans), and that the cops keep journalists at a safe distance so that registration numbers on the vehicles cannot be seen. In Chicago, the cops allowed them to load up into trucks with their license plates covered.
Things took a different course in Coeur d’Alene. Some 31 members of the shady Patriot Front were arrested on charges of “conspiracy to commit loitering,” woops, I mean conspiracy to riot.
According to reports, a member of law enforcement betrayed them. Imagine my surprise when I saw that these idiots had an FBI informant in their group. The real strand this is that there were now at least 25-30 phone calls from FBI informants.
I’m not going to call the Patriot Front a Fed-managed conglomerate of fuck-wits with a heavy sprinkling of FBI agents and confidential informants, as I did with the Gretchen Whitmer abduction conspiracy and the Hutaree Militia. We already know that law enforcement is involved in stirring up conflict and then utilizing it as justification for monitoring and cracking down on protests.