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Musk Continues to Purge ‘Woke’ Twitter–Makes Shocking Demand of Workers

Heads have been rolling big time ever since billionaire businessman Elon Musk bought the social network Twitter. Musk had vowed to both restore free speech to the platform and make it profitable. But he had a big problem: most of Twitter’s employees.

You see, Twitter was owned and controlled by far-left Democrats. And they filled the company with employees that shared their anti-free speech views. They gladly censored conservatives and boosted radical leftists’ propaganda. So, when Musk took over, he had a company full of enemies.

He remedied this by firing the top brass and laying off 50% of the workforce. And now, to weed out the rest of the socialist losers, he is making a big demand of his employees.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk wrote in a midnight email to employees that they should expect “extremely hardcore” working hours if they desire to remain at the company…

“Going forward, to build a breakthrough Twitter 2.0 and succeed in an increasingly competitive world, we will need to be extremely hardcore,” the email from Musk explained, according to a report from Business Insider. “This will mean working long hours at high intensity. Only exceptional performance will constitute a passing grade.” […]

Musk said in the email that employees must assent to being “part of the new Twitter” through a Google Form by the end of the workday Thursday, or else they would “receive three months of severance.” He also hinted at further layoffs for non-technical employees who do not have an immediate impact on running the website. [Source: Daily Wire]

Wow. This is not going to make the whiny Marxists who work at Twitter happy. Musk is demanding employees commit to a “hardcore” schedule that will require long hours to make the company profitable. This means that anyone who wants to keep working at Twitter will be forced to do much more than they were previously used to.

Leftists, as you might imagine, are incredibly lazy. They push universal healthcare, universal basic income, and free college tuition because they don’t want to work. They think they are entitled to things like money and healthcare, expecting someone else to pay for them. That has produced one of the most spoiled, selfish, arrogant workforces we’ve ever seen.

By demanding Twitter employees put in long hours, Musk will be exposing the socialists left at the company. They will either have to commit to a real job or leave. This is a brilliant way of getting rid of liberal opposition, without making it about politics.

Had Musk fired people over their political views, he would have been crushed by endless lawsuits. Instead, he is giving employees a chance to prove themselves. It’s not illegal to ask workers to put in hard work to improve the company.

Something tells me the leftists who are left are leaving already.

Author: Bo Dogan

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