As you probably read about recently, Biden’s failing economy is now hurting America’s children. The FDA shut down the largest baby formula plant in February. Despite passing inspection, the FDA has refused to reopen it. Now, store shelves are empty of baby formula, and parents are getting desperate.
Americans were outraged to learn that Biden was shipping pallets of formula to the border, for illegal immigrants at detention centers. But America’s children? Left out in the cold, as usual, thanks to an America-last “president.” Nancy Pelosi scrambled, pretending like she gave a damn.
But that was after she handed out expensive perks to her buddies in Congress.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi belatedly jumped into America’s baby formula crisis on Friday, calling nationwide shortages “unconscionable” and setting an emergency vote next week. But while she tried to get Democrats caught up on a crisis that caught them by surprise, her administrative office was busy ramping up new perks for lawmakers.
House members were alerted to two new perks this week compliments of the chamber’s Democrat leadership: fully paid memberships to Peloton gyms as well as a brand new liquor and drinks outlet.
Republicans immediately seized on the optics, saying doling out additional benefits to lawmakers when everyday Americans are struggling to fill gas tanks, grocery carts or baby bottles was a bridge too far, even for Washington. [Source: Just the News]
Peloton, if you didn’t know, is a company that sells high-end exercise equipment and at-home classes via online streams. Peloton bikes can cost thousands of dollars, with memberships costing as much per year. And Pelosi is handing them out to the 400+ members of Congress like candy.
On top of that, House Democrats opened “House Drinks” a storefront that lets congressmen to buy up as much alcohol as they like. The “service” is being spun as something to provide alcohol for “a meeting or an office event or just want to stock up.”
Yup. Congress members are buying “six, twelve, and 24-packs” of alcohol for meetings and office events—and for getting plastered at home.
Meanwhile, parents are driving for hours just to get baby formula.
The height of the Democrats’ corruption is getting too much for the average American to bear. Biden has sat back and deliberately leveled our economy. He is dumping billions of dollars into aid for Ukraine, while sanctions on Russia cripple our country. And his goons in the House are burning through tax dollars so they can enjoy perks.
And they wonder why voters will torch their asses in November?
Author: Jim Stone
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