It’s been a while since we’ve talked about it, but the disaster that was the 2020 Election is still a major issue. With another election just around the corner, the problems arisen from last year still linger large over many states.
Even though the media won’t tell you about it, key states in the presidential election continue to hold audits. Arizona shook the nation at the end of this year, as they presented evidence that many thousands of their ballots appeared illegitimate. And that’s only for starters.
The silver lining is that many states—with mostly Republican lawmakers—passed election integrity bills to prevent future travesty. Georgia was slammed by the left for passing its bills, but several other states did the same. Now, Republican-led Alaska is joining the movement to prevent leftists from stealing our democracy.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy and Lt. Gov. Kevin Myers are proposing changes to Alaska election laws they said would create a more secure system.
The two are drafting what they called an “election integrity” bill that changes how election officials maintain voter rolls and verify eligibility, according to a news release…
Election officials also would be required to check for voters who are deceased, are registered in other states or have felony convictions, and whether other reasons exist that would make residents ineligible to vote. [Source: Just the News]
The bill will provide a variety of measures to secure voting. It will require election officials to make sure voter rolls are accurate. It will require signature verification for absentee ballots. There will also be a toll-free hotline to report voter fraud.
Gee, all of this sounds like measures that should have been in place years ago. Why aren’t all election officials making sure the people on their rolls haven’t moved away, have felony convictions, or are deceased? At the very least, they should remove those names. Yet Alaska has to pass a new law before officials can actually make sure the people registered to vote can legally vote.
This raises questions about voting in every other state. If Alaska has to pass a law to ensure such basic measures, what about the rest of the country? Are other states letting dead people and felons stay on their lists? Spoilers, they are. For years, we’ve heard about dead people mysteriously voting in current elections—with officials doing nothing about it.
In reality, voter rolls should be scrubbed every few years, requiring current residents to register. Actual voters have to register to vote again and again, anyway. Signature verification and the other measures proposed on this bill should be used nationwide.
But good luck seeing these kinds of safeguards in blue states. We’re surprised they even use voter rolls at all—instead of just letting anyone show up to vote.
Author: Sam Anderson
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