What was this about an indictment? Democrats have pulled out all the stops to destroy former President Donald Trump. They have indicted him over paperwork, accusing him of espionage and all manner of extreme charges. Many believe they are doing this purely for political reasons.
But it doesn’t seem Americans agree with them one bit. If the left’s goal in indicting Trump was to hurt his campaign, they really missed the mark. Trump continues to be a juggernaut in the GOP primaries. He held a rally last weekend at a small town in South Carolina. And they broke records.
Former President Donald Trump packed the house at his South Carolina rally on Saturday, drawing a massive crowd that was significantly larger than the population of the town which hosted it.
The leading Republican presidential candidate barnstormed in Pickens, a town of about 3,400 residents, on Saturday, speaking to more than 50,000 people who gathered at the downtown venue and lined the surrounding streets, according to Pickens police chief Randal Beach.
Beach told The Associated Press on Sunday that authorities were unable to calculate the exact number, but he estimated the rally was attended by “somewhere between 50-55,000” people. [Source: Fox News]
Dang. Trump visited the small town of Pickens, SC. Wow, you know a town called “Pickens” has to be small. There is about 3,400 residents in this town. But when people heard that Donald Trump would be holding a rally, they came out of the woodwork to see him.
An estimated 50-55,000 people gathered at Pickens, many times greater than the entire population of the town. Photos reveal the venue was packed, with people filling the surrounding streets. They were spilling out all over the place, eager to see and hear the former president.
If Biden is paying attention, he should be very afraid. Many believe he and his Democrats are behind the DOJ indictment of Trump. It is possible he is allowing the federal government to charge Trump, so he won’t have to face him in 2024.
Biden is facing very poor re-election odds. He is responsible for a tanked economy, is being outed for his corrupt family, and he can’t even finish a sentence. Voters will have to be insane to pick him.
So, Biden could be pushing these indictments to hedge his bets. But if this rally in Pickens is any indication, Biden has woefully miscalculated. Trump just might be more popular than he’s ever been.
The 2024 Election could be a total bloodbath for the left.
Author: Kit Fargo
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